Philip Janiak, Corteria Pharmaceuticals CEO

French biotech Cor­te­ria se­cures $70M to re­vive ex-Sanofi heart drugs 

In­vestors are pump­ing $70 mil­lion in­to a Paris-based biotech’s at­tempt to re­vive two of Sanofi’s for­mer car­dio­vas­cu­lar pro­grams.

Cor­te­ria Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals, found­ed in 2021, on Thurs­day un­veiled a €65 mil­lion ($70.7 mil­lion) Se­ries A round co-led by Or­biMed and Jeito Cap­i­tal that aims to ad­vance a se­ries of heart drugs in­to the clin­ic. Founders Philip Ja­ni­ak and Marie-Lau­re Ozoux hail from Sanofi, which an­nounced in 2019 that it was drop­ping car­dio and di­a­betes re­search.

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