FTC ex­pands PBM in­ves­ti­ga­tion to in­clude re­bate ne­go­tia­tors

The Fed­er­al Trade Com­mis­sion, which this week sued to block Am­gen’s $28 bil­lion buy­out of Hori­zon, is si­mul­ta­ne­ous­ly ex­pand­ing its probe in­to du­bi­ous prac­tices from phar­ma­cy ben­e­fit man­agers by go­ing af­ter two group pur­chas­ing or­ga­ni­za­tions (GPOs) that ne­go­ti­ate drug re­bates on be­half of PBMs.

The com­pul­so­ry or­ders is­sued by the FTC will re­quire Zinc Health Ser­vices, which is the GPO or re­bate ag­gre­ga­tor for CVS Care­mark, and As­cent Health Ser­vices, which is the GPO for PBMs Ex­press Scripts, Prime Ther­a­peu­tics, En­volve Phar­ma­cy So­lu­tions, and Hu­mana Phar­ma­cy So­lu­tions, to pro­vide more in­for­ma­tion and records on their busi­ness prac­tices.

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