Albert Bourla, Pfizer CEO (AP Images)

Full steam ahead, Pfiz­er goes bar­gain hunt­ing in an age of coro­n­avirus — with a spe­cial fo­cus on can­cer and rare dis­eases

Pfiz­er made a splash this week with its plans to spend $500 mil­lion on Covid-19 re­search. But the phar­ma gi­ant isn’t let­ting a pan­dem­ic in­ter­fere with the M&A it needs to ful­fill its longterm mis­sion.

In fact, the out­break may even lend them a hand in find­ing clin­i­cal-stage as­sets for the pipeline — if on­ly the biotech ex­ecs and boards they ap­proach ful­ly un­der­stand the po­si­tion they’re in.

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