Gates vets at Ad­ju­vant back Coda­genix's soft­ware-dri­ven ap­proach to re­cod­ing RSV, flu, on­colyt­ic virus­es and more

Soft­ware is eat­ing the way we make vac­cines, and it has earned Farm­ing­dale, NY-based biotech $20 mil­lion for a plat­form tech the­o­ret­i­cal­ly ap­plic­a­ble to any virus — from in­fluen­za to on­colyt­ic virus­es tar­get­ed at can­cer.

Ad­ju­vant Cap­i­tal, the group of Gates Foun­da­tion vet­er­ans out to test a VC mod­el for glob­al health, led the Se­ries B for Coda­genix. Ex­ist­ing back­ers Eu­clid­ean Cap­i­tal and Top­spin Part­ners al­so re­turned for more.

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