David Hipkiss, AlveoGene executive chair

Gene ther­a­py biotech Alveo­Gene launch­es with lentivi­ral plat­form for res­pi­ra­to­ry dis­eases

New com­pa­ny Alveo­Gene, backed by ex­perts at the UK Res­pi­ra­to­ry Gene Ther­a­py Con­sor­tium (GTC), has made its de­but with a lead pro­gram for rare res­pi­ra­to­ry dis­ease al­pha-1 an­tit­rypsin de­fi­cien­cy (AATD).

Ox­ford Sci­ence En­ter­pris­es cre­at­ed the com­pa­ny to­geth­er with Har­ring­ton Dis­cov­ery In­sti­tute, Old Col­lege Cap­i­tal and six GTC sci­en­tists. The UK biotech has an ex­clu­sive li­cense to the GTC’s next-gen­er­a­tion lentivi­ral de­liv­ery plat­form, In­Ge­nu­iTy, ex­cept with re­gard to the CFTR gene, which is mu­tat­ed in cys­tic fi­bro­sis. Boehringer In­gel­heim has tak­en the reins on that gene and is work­ing on a CF gene ther­a­py can­di­date us­ing the tech.

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