James Ian (at the 'Double Take' fashion show) has been part of Genentech's now-evolving 'SMA My Way' effort from the beginning.

Genen­tech up­dates spinal mus­cu­lar at­ro­phy ef­fort with new de­sign, so­cial me­dia and ‘Re­al Talk’

Genen­tech is adding to its com­mu­ni­ty co-cre­at­ed spinal mus­cu­lar at­ro­phy cam­paign called “SMA My Way” with new con­tent and an up­dat­ed look.

The up­date in­cludes a first-ever In­sta­gram chan­nel with takeovers and live ses­sions, and the ad­di­tion of con­tent from its “Re­al Talk” video pan­el se­ries with adult-spe­cif­ic top­ics such as dat­ing and re­la­tion­ships, and dis­abil­i­ty vis­i­bil­i­ty and rep­re­sen­ta­tion.

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