An array of AI-designed proteins made from Generate:Biomedicines' diffusion model Chroma

Gen­er­ate:Bio­med­i­cines opens the hood on its AI soft­ware for mak­ing pro­teins

Sci­en­tists ea­ger to have a crack at mak­ing com­put­er-de­signed pro­teins will now have ac­cess to the same code that pow­ers drug de­sign ef­forts at Gen­er­ate:Bio­med­i­cines, a start­up that’s raised near­ly $750 mil­lion to cre­ate ther­a­pies with ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence.

On Wednes­day, the com­pa­ny pub­lished a study in Na­ture de­tail­ing how its gen­er­a­tive AI mod­el, called Chro­ma, can be used to make pro­teins that have nev­er ex­ist­ed in na­ture. Gen­er­ate is al­so mak­ing the soft­ware open source so that aca­d­e­m­ic sci­en­tists can try it out them­selves.

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