George Scangos [via Cornell University]

George Scan­gos heads back to Wall Street. And he’s bring­ing along some of the best con­nec­tions in biotech

George Scan­gos’ start­up Vir Biotech­nol­o­gy has filed its plan to go pub­lic, point­ing the CEO back to Wall Street — where he’s proven a ca­pa­ble play­er.

Best known for bring­ing in his own team at Bio­gen and win­ning ac­co­lades for mak­ing Tec­fidera in­to a big block­buster in mul­ti­ple scle­ro­sis, he left well be­fore the thin pipeline proved se­vere­ly dis­ap­point­ing.

Scan­gos’ team has pen­cilled in $100 mil­lion for the fundrais­ing he has in mind, though you can be sure that with his con­nec­tions, Vir has a much larg­er fig­ure in mind. And it’s un­veil­ing the ex­act scope of an R&D al­liance with Al­ny­lam that starts with a small por­tion of cash and then swells in­to a $1.3 bil­lion smor­gas­bord of mile­stones.

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