John Scarlett, Geron CEO

Af­ter three-decade jour­ney, Geron sees new life in PhI­II da­ta on MDS drug, plots path to ap­proval

Geron, found­ed in 1990 as an an­ti-ag­ing com­pa­ny, has al­most com­plet­ed its meta­mor­pho­sis.

Wednes­day morn­ing, the Bay Area biotech un­veiled that its drug ime­tel­stat suc­ceed­ed in a Phase III tri­al of near­ly 180 pa­tients with low-risk myelodys­plas­tic syn­dromes, or MDS, help­ing more pa­tients go eight weeks with­out blood trans­fu­sions than place­bo. But pa­tients who got the drug al­so ex­pe­ri­enced sig­nif­i­cant side ef­fects, in­clud­ing low platelet and white blood cell counts.

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