Four-time Olympic high jumper Chaunté Lowe joins Gilead Sciences' latest triple negative breast cancer awareness campaign.

Gilead ad­vances Covid-born on­col­o­gy cam­paign with pa­tient and ad­vo­cate sto­ries

Chaunté Lowe is a four-time Olympic high jump com­peti­tor, and she’s al­so Gilead Sci­ences’ newest pa­tient ad­vo­cate around triple neg­a­tive breast can­cer (TNBC). She is a “TNBC sur­vivor and thriv­er” speak­ing out as part of Gilead On­col­o­gy’s broad­er “Means to Me” on­col­o­gy cam­paign that match­es sci­ence and the can­cer com­mu­ni­ty.

The so­cial me­dia cam­paign ini­tial­ly be­gan in 2021 dur­ing the Covid pan­dem­ic via Zoom shoots with pa­tients, ad­vo­cates, health­care providers and Gilead em­ploy­ees, meant to show­case their dif­fer­ent views about the re­al ef­fects of in­dus­try sci­ence and re­search. The ca­su­al style on so­cial me­dia con­tin­ues pur­pose­ful­ly to­day as a sim­ple way for peo­ple to par­tic­i­pate, but al­so to re­flect the more laid back style of the so­cial chan­nels. The cam­paign is run­ning on Twit­ter, Face­book and LinkedIn.

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