Gilead, Ar­cus’ PhII gas­troe­sophageal can­cer da­ta ar­gue for TIG­IT an­ti­body drug class po­ten­tial

Gilead and part­ner Ar­cus Bio­sciences’ an­ti-TIG­IT-based reg­i­men has shown ear­ly signs of ef­fi­ca­cy in a small group of gas­troe­sophageal can­cer pa­tients in a mid-stage tri­al, mark­ing a po­ten­tial up­lift for the TIG­IT field af­ter a track record of set­backs.

The Phase II EDGE-Gas­tric tri­al is eval­u­at­ing dif­fer­ent com­bi­na­tions of dom­vanal­imab plus Ar­cus’ an­ti-PD-1 an­ti­body zim­bere­limab and stan­dard-of-care chemother­a­py in cer­tain types of gas­troe­sophageal can­cer. Dom­vanal­imab is a mon­o­clon­al an­ti­body that blocks the TIG­IT pro­tein re­cep­tor.

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