Dan O'Day, Gilead CEO (Andrew Harnik/AP Images)

Gilead calls dibs on a PhI bis­pe­cif­ic, hands over $60M to cash-strapped Macro­Gen­ics

On a con­tin­u­al search for more bas­kets to put its on­col­o­gy eggs in, Gilead has land­ed on a hot tar­get: CD123.

Specif­i­cal­ly, Gilead is grab­bing a bis­pe­cif­ic an­ti­body from Macro­Gen­ics, a sea­soned biotech play­er that’s seen its share of set­backs. For $60 mil­lion up­front, Gilead buys an ex­clu­sive op­tion to li­cense MGD024 af­ter Macro­Gen­ics wraps up the on­go­ing Phase I study and calls dibs on two oth­er ear­ly-stage bis­pe­cif­ic re­search pro­grams.

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