Gilead CEO Daniel O'Day (Jim Watson/AFP via Getty Images)

Gilead leans on CymaBay liv­er drug, Trodelvy read­outs and long-ac­tive PrEP yet to come this year

Gilead Sci­ences notched “fine” sales for the first quar­ter but the bio­phar­ma promised more to come.

Gilead re­port­ed sales of $6.6 bil­lion, a 5% in­crease year-over-year, prompt­ing Mizhuo an­a­lysts to write that the quar­ter “gen­er­al­ly looks fine” on Thurs­day af­ter­noon.

Ex­ec­u­tives em­pha­sized se­ladel­par, a rare liv­er dis­ease can­di­date that was picked up in its $4.3 bil­lion CymaBay ac­qui­si­tion and has an Au­gust FDA de­ci­sion date, in its Q1 earn­ings call Thurs­day. The po­ten­tial pri­ma­ry bil­iary cholan­gi­tis treat­ment al­so is ex­pect­ed to get a de­ci­sion in Eu­rope in the first quar­ter of 2025.

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