Gilead los­es two more patent chal­lenges on HIV pill, set­ting up court­room fight in Delaware

Gilead sus­tained two more loss­es in their ef­forts to rid them­selves of an ac­tivist-backed patent law­suit from the US gov­ern­ment over a best-sell­ing HIV pill.

Urged on by ac­tivists seek­ing to di­vert a por­tion of Gilead’s rev­enue to clin­ics and pre­ven­tion pro­grams, the De­part­ment of Health and Hu­man Ser­vices made a claim to some of the patents for the best-sell­ing HIV pre­ven­tion drug, Tru­va­da, al­so known as PrEP. Gilead re­spond­ed by ar­gu­ing in court that HHS’s patents were in­valid.

To­day, the US Patent and Trade­mark Of­fice ruled that Gilead was like­ly to lose the last two of those chal­lenges as well. The USP­TO ruled against Gilead on the first two patents ear­li­er this month.

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