Gilead Oncology's new corporate branding effort features real patients in honest conversations about the possibilities cancer took. (Photo: Gilead)

Gilead spot­lights its on­col­o­gy work with first fo­cused brand­ing cam­paign

Gilead Sci­ences is well-known for its in­no­v­a­tive HIV and he­pati­tis med­ica­tions, but its pro­file is low­er in on­col­o­gy. The bio­phar­ma has been work­ing to change that, and this week it in­tro­duced a first-ever Gilead On­col­o­gy brand cam­paign.

Re­al pa­tients are fea­tured in an in­tro­duc­to­ry an­themic video with a voiceover that lays out the com­pa­ny’s am­bi­tions. It ends with: “We’re Gilead On­col­o­gy, and we’re help­ing bring more life to peo­ple with can­cer.” In sub­se­quent videos, the pa­tients open up in can­did, emo­tion­al con­ver­sa­tions about the men­tal and phys­i­cal costs of can­cer. In an­oth­er video, two young women ex­plain the heart­break­ing de­ci­sions they had to make around fer­til­i­ty.

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