Gilead's CNN docuseries 'Blind Angels' weaves stories of HIV advocacy and life across the US South

Gilead teams with CNN for poignant do­cuseries about the lives of HIV ad­vo­cates in south­ern US states 

José Romero is a Lati­no HIV ac­tivist in Durham, North Car­oli­na — and one of the stars of Gilead Sci­ences’ do­cuseries about the im­pact of HIV in the South.

The six-part “Blind An­gels” se­ries ini­tial­ly aired on CNN over the past few months with in­di­vid­ual episodes now be­ing sub­mit­ted and screened at film fes­ti­vals around the coun­try. Romero’s episode, for in­stance, was screened at the Out­South Queer Film Fes­ti­val in Raleigh-Durham last week­end. Romero spoke at the fes­ti­val and to a “stand­ing room on­ly” au­di­ence, a Gilead spokesper­son said.

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