Gilead­'s Kite dou­bles down on Ar­cel­lx's blood can­cer cell ther­a­pies with $285M

Gilead’s cell ther­a­py unit Kite wants more of what it ini­tial­ly got from Ar­cel­lx last De­cem­ber, buy­ing $200 mil­lion worth of eq­ui­ty in Ar­cel­lx and dol­ing out $85 mil­lion in cash to ex­pand their part­ner­ship.

The deal ar­rives three months af­ter the FDA lift­ed a par­tial clin­i­cal hold on the duo’s part­nered CART-ddBC­MA can­di­date in mul­ti­ple myelo­ma. The re-upped pact will now ex­pand that scope to in­clude lym­phomas, the biotechs said Wednes­day morn­ing, giv­ing in­vestors a lit­tle bit more lead time ahead of the an­nu­al Amer­i­can So­ci­ety of Hema­tol­ogy con­fer­ence than they did with last year’s ini­tial an­nounce­ment.

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