SJ Lee [File photo]

Go­ing in­side cells, Sung Joo Lee has sketched some big goals for his small — but glob­al — team of drug hunters

For a small biotech based in South Ko­rea with a re­search arm in Cam­bridge, MA, Orum Ther­a­peu­tics has sketched out some big goals aimed at de­vel­op­ing an­ti­bod­ies for in­tra­cel­lu­lar tar­gets. And now they have a new $30 mil­lion round to push the work for­ward, aim­ing at a slate of cur­rent­ly un­drug­gable quests.

Orum has been work­ing on a plat­form tech out of Ajou Uni­ver­si­ty that re­lies on en­do­cy­to­sis to smug­gle an­ti­bod­ies and their car­go in­side a cell. They’ve pub­lished work in Na­ture that il­lus­trates its pre­clin­i­cal po­ten­tial in RAS mu­ta­tions, and KRAS is on their list of tar­gets. 

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