Google health tech spin­out Ver­i­ly lays off staff amid ex­ec de­par­tures

Ver­i­ly, spun out of Google par­ent Al­pha­bet, is lay­ing off about 15% of its em­ploy­ees, shak­ing up the ex­ec­u­tive lead­er­ship and nar­row­ing its fo­cus, the com­pa­ny con­firmed to End­points News.

Co-founder Jes­si­ca Mega and health plat­forms pres­i­dent Vi­vian Lee have left the com­pa­ny, ac­cord­ing to LinkedIn up­dates to their pro­files, as first re­port­ed by STAT News. Jor­di Par­ra­mon, pres­i­dent of the com­pa­ny’s de­vices unit, is al­so leav­ing, ac­cord­ing to an in­ter­nal memo from CEO Stephen Gillett.

Endpoints News

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