Sarah Mastrorocco, Instacart Health VP and general manager

Gro­cery de­liv­ery gi­ant In­stacart is bet­ting that food as med­i­cine pro­grams will help grow its busi­ness

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About two years ago, Sarah Mas­tro­roc­co, an ear­ly em­ploy­ee at In­stacart, be­gan to fo­cus on in­creas­ing food and nu­tri­tion ac­cess for the tech com­pa­ny. It was then when she heard terms like “food as med­i­cine” for the first time.

Mas­tro­roc­co now over­sees the gro­cery de­liv­ery com­pa­ny’s one-year-old In­stacart Health busi­ness as vice pres­i­dent and gen­er­al man­ag­er. The busi­ness taps in­to a grow­ing trend of health plans and med­ical providers who are look­ing to pre­scribe food with the aim of keep­ing peo­ple health­i­er and avoid­ing more ex­pen­sive med­ical care.

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