GSK ar­gues against tak­ing Te­va 'skin­ny' la­bel suit to SCO­TUS

GSK has once again asked the Supreme Court not to hear its case with Te­va over so-called “skin­ny” la­bels, mean­ing a gener­ic is on­ly ap­proved for some of the ref­er­ence prod­uct’s in­di­ca­tions.

The case traces back to GSK’s win against Te­va in 2017 in a court bat­tle over Te­va’s skin­ny’s la­bel for its gener­ic ver­sion of GSK’s be­ta-block­er Coreg (carvedilol). Te­va’s la­bel ini­tial­ly in­clud­ed two of the three Coreg in­dic­tions, but didn’t in­clude a third in­di­ca­tion for con­ges­tive heart fail­ure. GSK sued Te­va in 2014, sev­en years af­ter the gener­ic launched — ac­cus­ing the gener­ics gi­ant of in­fringe­ment by en­cour­ag­ing doc­tors to use the gener­ic in a not-ap­proved in­di­ca­tion.

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