GSK chief Em­ma Walm­s­ley rounds out her top team with CFO pick — but per­for­mance lags

Glax­o­SmithK­line CEO Em­ma Walm­s­ley is reach­ing in­to the glob­al bank­ing world to fin­ish round­ing out the top team she ex­pects to re­verse the phar­ma gi­ant’s steady ero­sion over the past decade. HS­BC’s Iain Mack­ay will grad­u­al­ly take the CFO reins by next spring, when he’ll be slow­ly re­plac­ing the de­part­ing Si­mon Dinge­mans.

Walm­s­ley is bring­ing in a top fi­nance fig­ure af­ter lur­ing Hal Bar­ron in as the new R&D chief, fol­low­ing the ar­rival of Luke Miels in a key com­mer­cial role. Every­one in this group has a ster­ling rep­u­ta­tion, and they’ll need it to ac­com­plish Walm­s­ley’s key task in re­vers­ing a de­clin­ing phar­ma group.

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