GSK gets tem­po­rary re­strain­ing or­der against for­mer em­ploy­ee ac­cused of steal­ing trade se­crets

As phar­ma com­pa­nies con­tin­ue to ham­mer down on past em­ploy­ees ac­cused of steal­ing con­fi­den­tial in­for­ma­tion, Glax­o­SmithK­line has tak­en out a re­strain­ing or­der on a for­mer staffer who al­leged­ly took a “wealth of GSK trade se­crets” with her when she re­signed ear­li­er this year.

On Tues­day, the US Dis­trict Court of Mary­land grant­ed GSK a tem­po­rary re­strain­ing or­der against Denise Brooks, a for­mer qual­i­ty sys­tems lead whose job gave her “wide-rang­ing ac­cess to GSK’s pro­pri­etary da­ta, con­fi­den­tial meth­ods, and high­ly sen­si­tive trade se­crets,” ac­cord­ing to the phar­ma gi­ant.

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