GSK team clinch­es pos­i­tive tri­al for the first po­ten­tial new TB vac­cine in a cen­tu­ry — with mil­lions of lives at stake

A Glax­o­SmithK­line crew of in­ves­ti­ga­tors has com­plet­ed their analy­sis of a Phase IIb tri­al for what they be­lieve could be the first big break­through in the tu­ber­cu­lo­sis vac­cine field in close to 100 years. And they say the fi­nal re­sults jus­ti­fy their en­thu­si­asm for fi­nal rounds of stud­ies aimed at study­ing a jab that has the po­ten­tial to slash the more than 1.5 mil­lion deaths per year at­trib­uted to TB.

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