Emma Walmsley, GSK CEO (MediaPunch Inc/Alamy)

Up­dat­ed: GSK takes vic­to­ry lap with block­buster sales for RSV vac­cine

GSK is look­ing to ride the mo­men­tum from its RSV vac­cine sales in­to 2024 and be­yond. Mean­while, it has cut three in­fec­tious dis­ease can­di­dates from its pipeline, two of which were un­der an al­liance with Vir Biotech­nol­o­gy.

Its RSV vac­cine Arexvy has of­fi­cial­ly reached block­buster sta­tus, rak­ing in £1.2 bil­lion in 2023. In con­trast, Pfiz­er’s Abrys­vo, which was ap­proved in the same month, on­ly drew $890 mil­lion. Arexvy hit the block­buster mile­stone in four months, which is “the fastest pace” in its his­to­ry, CEO Em­ma Walm­s­ley said dur­ing a call with me­dia on Wednes­day morn­ing.

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