Hal Barron, GSK R&D chief (Endpoints News)

Hal Bar­ron gam­bles $625M cash on high-wire TIG­IT act, throw­ing Glax­o­SmithK­line in­to heat­ed race and com­plet­ing next-gen I/O trin­i­ty

Count Hal Bar­ron and Glax­o­SmithK­line in for the TIG­IT fight.

The stakes are as high as the risks: While a grow­ing pack of Big Phar­ma ri­vals is lend­ing cre­dence to the hy­poth­e­sis that TIG­IT will be the next big im­mune check­point and can­cer drug tar­get, the first clin­i­cal tri­als have shown re­sponse rates that can be de­scribed as mod­est at best. But Bar­ron’s bet is on the whole “ax­is” that the re­cep­tor sits on, with an eye on test­ing its new an­ti-TIG­IT an­ti­body not just in com­bo with PD-1 but al­so in triplets.

Endpoints News

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