Hand­ful of biotechs ex­pect­ed to IPO this fall, but many are stuck in ‘hold­ing pat­tern’ un­til 2024

A pair of late-stage biotechs sub­mit­ted IPO plans last week as in­dus­try in­sid­ers gear up for what could be a hand­ful of post-La­bor Day pub­lic de­but pitch­es.

To re­peat: That’s a hand­ful of IPOs, not an over­flow­ing bas­ket of fil­ings like the days of 2021 that saw at least 100 biotech IPOs. But any sign of biotechs lin­ing up to ring the trad­ing floor bell could give hope to their pri­vate­ly-held fel­lows. If mem­bers of the fall class and the late Ju­ly co­hort are suc­cess­ful in their first few months of trad­ing, then more star­tups may have the con­fi­dence to pur­sue pub­lic mar­kets next year.

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