A scientist in the lab at Harbinger Health (Credit: Harbinger Health)

Stephen Hahn’s liq­uid biop­sy com­pa­ny Har­bin­ger Health rais­es $140M Se­ries B to launch first can­cer tests by 2025

Har­bin­ger Health, a start­up with am­bi­tious goals to de­vel­op liq­uid biop­sies that spot signs of can­cer ear­ly, has raised $140 mil­lion in Se­ries B fund­ing and an­nounced plans to be­gin sell­ing its first com­mer­cial blood tests in 2025.

The Cam­bridge, MA-based com­pa­ny, which was launched by Flag­ship Pi­o­neer­ing with $50 mil­lion in 2021, has re­mained tight-lipped about ex­act­ly how its ex­per­i­men­tal test works. But Har­bin­ger be­lieves it can get the cost rough­ly an or­der of mag­ni­tude cheap­er than its com­pe­ti­tion, po­ten­tial­ly plac­ing its price tag un­der $100.

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