Marianne De Backer, Vir Biotechnology CEO

'Have to keep up this pace': As new Vir CEO, Mar­i­anne De Backer eyes ex­pan­sion be­yond in­fec­tious dis­ease

On day two in the CEO seat at Vir Biotech­nol­o­gy, Mar­i­anne De Backer — a pro­lif­ic, two-decade deal­mak­er in bio­phar­ma — said she’s ready to move fast like she did sling­ing deals at Bay­er and John­son & John­son be­fore that.

The Covid-19 and Ebo­la drug­mak­er, hop­ing to make ma­jor dents in in­fluen­za, he­pati­tis B and D with cru­cial Phase II da­ta read­outs lat­er this year to de­ter­mine that fu­ture, will al­so look be­yond in­fec­tious dis­eases, De Backer told End­points News on Tues­day. They’re al­so look­ing to make RSV an­ti­bod­ies with the help of pan­dem­ic part­ner GSK, which opt­ed to move for­ward on the res­pi­ra­to­ry virus last Sep­tem­ber as vac­cines could soon come to mar­ket. An HIV pro­phy­lax­is as­set is in ear­ly-stage test­ing as well.

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