Flori­da-based biotech with ap­proved car­dio­vas­cu­lar ther­a­py moves to go pub­lic via SPAC

A small com­mer­cial-stage biotech with one ap­proved ther­a­py for a rare dis­ease that caus­es high cho­les­terol is hop­ing to go pub­lic through a SPAC deal with Swift­merge.

The deal is still in the ear­ly stages, and a de­fin­i­tive merg­er agree­ment is ex­pect­ed in the sec­ond quar­ter of this year.

HDL Ther­a­peu­tics’ ap­proved ther­a­peu­tic de­vice, called the PDS-2 Sys­tem, us­es pa­tients’ own plas­ma to cre­ate nat­ur­al pre-β HDL, a form of cho­les­terol that can re­duce plaque and the risk of car­dio­vas­cu­lar prob­lems. The PDS-2 Sys­tem is ap­proved for re­duc­ing coro­nary athero­ma in ho­mozy­gous fa­mil­ial hy­per­c­ho­les­terolemia (HoFH) pa­tients, and HDL said it can be used with oth­er lipid-low­er­ing agents.

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