Headspace president Christine Evans

Head­space will add more men­tal-health ser­vices to its con­sumer busi­ness, go­ing against trend

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Head­space, best known for its app that guides peo­ple through med­i­ta­tion, now wants to help more of its cus­tomers get men­tal health coach­ing.

The San­ta Mon­i­ca, CA-based is mak­ing the push in­to men­tal health at a time when many oth­er di­rect-to-con­sumer men­tal health busi­ness­es have strug­gled. Over the past few years, com­pa­nies like Teladoc’s Bet­ter­Help and Talk­space, which both of­fer ther­a­py, have cit­ed ris­ing cus­tomer ac­qui­si­tion costs as a chal­lenge to grow­ing their busi­ness­es. And in Jan­u­ary, out­go­ing CEO Rus­sell Glass told End­points News that Head­space’s con­sumer busi­ness “hasn’t re­al­ly grown,” while its busi­ness sell­ing to em­ploy­ers has.

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