Brigham Hyde, Atropos Health CEO

Health tech start­up At­ro­pos re­veals gen­er­a­tive AI tool for pars­ing pa­tient records

At­ro­pos Health, a start­up that works with health sys­tems and life sci­ences com­pa­nies to an­a­lyze clin­i­cal da­ta, is launch­ing a prod­uct to help re­searchers quick­ly get in­sights on pa­tient pop­u­la­tions.

The new tools, the com­pa­ny claims, can in min­utes turn around queries from large, messy datasets. One use, for ex­am­ple, would be to parse large num­bers of pa­tient records to bet­ter iden­ti­fy co­horts or datasets that oth­er­wise would have to be painstak­ing­ly sliced or an­a­lyzed. That could help more quick­ly iden­ti­fy whether a sub­set of rare dis­ease pa­tients would ben­e­fit from a par­tic­u­lar treat­ment.

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