Heat Bi­o­log­ics goes back to San An­to­nio to build a re­search and man­u­fac­tur­ing fa­cil­i­ty

From the shell of an aban­doned and gut­ted San An­to­nio, TX land­mark, the old Mer­chants Ice build­ing, will emerge a man­u­fac­tur­ing site for Heat Bi­o­log­ics’ newest sub­sidiary.

Scor­pi­on Bi­o­log­i­cal Ser­vices, a Heat sub, will build a large mol­e­cule re­search and man­u­fac­tur­ing site in San An­to­nio. The site will be used to de­vel­op im­mune-as­says and bio­mark­ers.

Heat’s pipeline fea­tures can­di­dates for im­muno-on­col­o­gy, in­fec­tious dis­eases and Covid-19. HS-110 has com­plet­ed its Phase II tri­al to treat non-small cell lung can­cer, and sol­id tu­mor treat­ment PTX-35 and T cell ac­ti­va­tor HS-130 are in Phase I tri­als. The new Scor­pi­on site will sup­port new drugs from dis­cov­ery through clin­i­cal tri­als.

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