Tim Walbert, Horizon CEO via YouTube

Hori­zon nabs FDA ex­pand­ed la­bel for gout med Krys­texxa

Hori­zon Ther­a­peu­tics land­ed an ex­pand­ed la­bel for gout med Krys­texxa on Thurs­day with the FDA ap­proval for the ad­di­tion of methotrex­ate. Krys­texxa plus methotrex­ate now will be the rec­om­mend­ed and pre­ferred dose for most pa­tients.

That’s be­cause the com­bi­na­tion sig­nif­i­cant­ly re­duces an im­mune sys­tem’s an­ti-drug an­ti­body re­ac­tion. Hori­zon’s MIR­ROR ran­dom­ized con­trolled tri­al, be­gun in 2019 with re­sults out last De­cem­ber, showed a more than 30 per­cent­age point in­crease in pa­tient re­sponse with the com­bined med. Sev­en­ty-one per­cent of pa­tients who re­ceived Krys­texxa with methotrex­ate met the study end­points of low­er than 6mg/dL serum uric acid at six months ver­sus just 39% of pa­tients on Krys­texxa with place­bo. Pa­tients in the study main­tained im­proved re­sults through one year of treat­ment with 60% achiev­ing com­plete re­sponse ver­sus 31% on place­bo.

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