Horizon's back-to-school campaign for children with cystinosis includes an all about me poster as part of a care package box.

Hori­zon read­ies kids and fam­i­lies for back to school with week­long ac­tiv­i­ties around rare dis­ease cysti­nosis

Go­ing back to school is usu­al­ly a bumpy read­just­ment from sum­mer free­dom for all kids, but es­pe­cial­ly for kids with chron­ic health con­di­tions. Hori­zon Ther­a­peu­tics is hop­ing to help smooth the way for some who have the rare dis­ease cysti­nosis. Cysti­nosis is a ge­net­ic dis­ease that caus­es the amino acid cys­tine to build up in dif­fer­ent tis­sues and or­gans.

The “Gear Up” for school cam­paign is run­ning all week with dif­fer­ent on­line and at-home events and ac­tiv­i­ties for fam­i­lies and chil­dren with cysti­nosis. Each fam­i­ly who signed up re­ceives a care pack­age mailed to their home in­clud­ing an ac­tiv­i­ty col­or­ing book “Michael’s Show-and-Tell.” The book tells Michael’s sto­ry about liv­ing with cysti­nosis while of­fer­ing kids match­ing, col­or­ing and find­ing ob­ject games along with in­for­ma­tion.

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