How End­points News will cov­er the fu­ture of the health­care in­dus­try

I’m Ly­dia Ram­sey Pflanz­er, and for eight years, I’ve cov­ered every part of the health­care in­dus­try, div­ing deep in­to the chang­ing way care is paid for and de­liv­ered — and tech­nol­o­gy’s role in how it’s chang­ing.

To­day, we’re launch­ing End­points News: Health Tech, our first for­ay out­side the world of bio­phar­ma. You’ll hear from us on break­ing news, scoops, smart analy­sis, and what peo­ple in the in­dus­try are talk­ing about. We’ll come to you a cou­ple of times a week to start and more fre­quent­ly as we get our feet un­der us. As we get start­ed, here are some of the ideas I’m ex­cit­ed to get in­to:

Endpoints News

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