How you ac­cess End­points News is chang­ing

Start­ing to­day, End­points News will be chang­ing how you ac­cess our jour­nal­ism and how our pay­wall op­er­ates.

For sub­scribers on an In­sid­er or En­ter­prise plan, noth­ing will change. The sup­port we’ve re­ceived from our pay­ing sub­scribers over the years has pow­ered End­points’ dai­ly cov­er­age of the most im­por­tant news in biotech and phar­ma. And we thank each and every one of you.

For ba­sic sub­scribers, we’re mov­ing to a me­tered pay­wall. Pre­vi­ous­ly, we se­lect­ed which sto­ries would be be­hind the pay­wall and which would be free. Go­ing for­ward, non-pay­ing read­ers will get sev­er­al free ar­ti­cles a month, af­ter which we’ll ask you to be­come a pre­mi­um sub­scriber to ac­cess our break­ing news, our in-depth cov­er­age of sci­ence and in­no­va­tion and our rich­ly re­port­ed fea­tures. You’ll still re­ceive our newslet­ters, but ac­cess­ing sto­ry con­tent and spe­cial re­ports will re­quire a paid sub­scrip­tion.

Many of our read­ers work in, in­vest in and reg­u­late the bio­phar­ma in­dus­try. End­points is here to get you the in­for­ma­tion you need to keep up-to-the-minute on what’s hap­pen­ing. In re­turn, we’re ask­ing for your sup­port so that we can do our part to bring you sto­ries like our scoops on a Ly­me vac­cine tri­al gone wrong, John Car­roll’s in-depth sur­vey of top bio­phar­ma de­ci­sion-mak­ers, our re­port on changes in the M&A mar­ket, and cov­er­age of the lat­est Alzheimer’s read­outs and FDA ap­provals.

For those of you who al­ready have an In­sid­er or En­ter­prise sub­scrip­tion, there’s noth­ing you need to do. For non-pay­ing read­ers, af­ter you run out of free ar­ti­cles in a giv­en month, you’ll be di­rect­ed to our sub­scrip­tions page and can sign up (or you can do so here).

In the months to come, we’ll be en­hanc­ing our web­site, we’ll de­liv­er more break­ing news straight to your in­box, and we’ll con­tin­ue to in­vest in our jour­nal­ism to get you the cov­er­age you need, when you need it.

Thank you for your sup­port, and thanks for read­ing,

Drew Arm­strong
Ex­ec­u­tive Ed­i­tor

Director of IT, Security

Viridian Therapeutics

Waltham, MA, USA