Idor­sia sells off Asian op­er­a­tions, top drug li­cens­es to So­sei Hep­tares in $465M deal

Swiss bio­phar­ma Idor­sia has sold off a large part of its op­er­a­tions in the Asia Pa­cif­ic to So­sei Hep­tares for $465.8 mil­lion (400 mil­lion CHF), the com­pa­nies an­nounced Thurs­day.

The agree­ment cov­ers Idor­sia’s af­fil­i­ates in Japan and South Ko­rea, as well as rights to Idor­sia drugs — in­clud­ing a li­cense for the cere­bral va­sospasm drug Pivlaz, a co-ex­clu­sive li­cense for the in­som­nia drug dari­dorex­ant (sold in the US and Eu­rope as Qu­viviq), as well as the pos­si­bil­i­ty for So­sei Hep­tares to li­cense, de­vel­op and com­mer­cial­ize two more drugs, cene­r­i­mod and lucera­s­tat. Idor­sia will sup­ply Pivlaz and dari­dorex­ant in bulk to So­sei. The deal ex­cludes Chi­na.

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