I'll be in Lon­don next week with the End­points crew and a great line­up of biotech ex­perts and in­sid­ers. Join us

Well over a decade ago, I was look­ing over my read­er­ship num­bers and de­cid­ed I need­ed to fig­ure out why we had such a loy­al group of biotech sub­scribers in the UK for the pub I was ed­i­tor of at the time. Well be­fore I launched End­points News, I knew that the UK and Eu­rope as a whole would play a ma­jor role in any glob­al biotech pub­li­ca­tion.

But I just wasn’t quite sure how it all worked.

We start­ed End­points with Eu­rope and Lon­don in mind, and we’ve dou­bled down in the last cou­ple of years as the Fi­nan­cial Times stepped in as the new ma­jor­i­ty own­er. We re­cruit­ed a UK-based team to sharp­en our fo­cus and con­tin­ued to pay close at­ten­tion to the sci­ence and the star­tups that are in­flu­enc­ing the in­dus­try to­day.

Endpoints News

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