Daniel Vitt, Immunic CEO

Im­mu­nic shares cut in half as biotech dumps ul­cer­a­tive col­i­tis af­ter PhII fail

Fails can be­come cost­ly, so in an ef­fort to stem loss­es, Im­mu­nic and CEO Daniel Vitt have de­cid­ed to throw in the tow­el on ul­cer­a­tive col­i­tis af­ter a Phase II miss.

Im­mu­nic re­port­ed Wednes­day that its lead as­set, vid­ofludimus cal­ci­um, failed a Phase II tri­al for the in­di­ca­tion, miss­ing the pri­ma­ry end­point of clin­i­cal re­mis­sion in 30 and 45 mg/day dos­es when test­ed against place­bo af­ter 10 weeks. Ad­di­tion­al­ly, no “mean­ing­ful dif­fer­ences” be­tween three dif­fer­ent dose lev­els were ob­served in the tri­al called CAL­DOSE-1, nor be­tween any of the sec­ondary end­points such as en­do­scop­ic heal­ing or symp­to­matic re­mis­sion.

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