Peter Salzmann, Immunovant CEO

Im­muno­vant un­veils pos­i­tive ear­ly da­ta for PhII Graves' dis­ease drug

Im­muno­vant’s drug for Graves’ dis­ease showed a re­sponse rate that ex­ceed­ed 50% in an ini­tial co­hort of pa­tients in an on­go­ing 24-week Phase II clin­i­cal tri­al, the com­pa­ny an­nounced late Thurs­day af­ter­noon.

The com­pa­ny’s stock $IMVT rose 11.47% pre­mar­ket while Roivant, which has a ma­jor stake in the com­pa­ny, al­so saw a 5% $ROIV in­crease.

In the open-la­bel tri­al, pa­tients who are al­ready on an an­ti-thy­roid med­ica­tion re­ceive once-week­ly in­jec­tions of 680 mg ba­to­climab for 12 weeks, fol­lowed by once-week­ly 340 mg in­jec­tions of the can­di­date for an­oth­er 12 weeks. The treat­ment re­sponse that Im­muno­vant is look­ing for is a nor­mal­iza­tion of T3 and T4 hor­mone lev­els with­out in­creas­ing the dose of the an­ti-thy­roid med­ica­tion.

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