New Cerevel CEO Ron Renaud (L) and Tony Coles

In a sur­prise shift, Tony Coles taps his suc­ces­sor as CEO of Bain start­up Cerev­el

In a move that’s like­ly to take quite a few in­dus­try in­sid­ers by sur­prise, four-time biotech CEO Tony Coles is hand­ing the reins at Cerev­el to Ron Re­naud, a part­ner at Bain, which cre­at­ed the neu­ro­sciences com­pa­ny out of Pfiz­er as it bowed out of the field.

But he isn’t go­ing far. Coles — best known for run­ning Onyx and po­si­tion­ing it for a $10.4 bil­lion Am­gen deal — will once again con­cen­trate on the chair­man’s role at Cerev­el, lead­ing the board of a com­pa­ny that has weath­ered the on­go­ing mar­ket tem­pest with a ful­ly-feath­ered nest of cash.

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