Adel Nada, GentiBio CEO

In bid for new T cell ther­a­pies, Bris­tol My­ers inks deal with Treg play­er Gen­tiBio

A myr­i­ad of rare T cell types has popped on the radar in re­cent years as com­pa­nies search for the next gen­er­a­tion of T cell ther­a­pies. Among those are reg­u­la­to­ry T cells, or Tregs, which were at the cen­ter of a num­ber of big rais­es last year.

Now one of those Treg play­ers, Gen­tiBio — which reeled in a $157 mil­lion Se­ries A last year — has inked a deal with Bris­tol My­ers Squibb, as the Big Phar­ma looks to add to its se­lec­tion of T cell ther­a­pies, which cur­rent­ly in­cludes two CAR-Ts.

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