Up­dat­ed: In new speed bump for Hunt­ing­ton's, FDA paus­es PTC's PhII tri­al

PTC Ther­a­peu­tics has run in­to a road­block for its Hunt­ing­ton’s dis­ease pro­gram as the FDA flash­es the red light on a Phase II study.

The biotech — which is known for mar­ket­ing two drugs to treat Duchenne mus­cu­lar dy­s­tro­phy af­ter a con­tro­ver­sial de­vel­op­ment jour­ney — stopped short of say­ing the words “clin­i­cal hold” in a state­ment, and spent much of the up­date talk­ing about how it con­tin­ues to en­roll pa­tients in sev­er­al Eu­ro­pean coun­tries and Aus­tralia.

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