Carlos Schuler, InCarda CEO

Scoop: In­Car­da ter­mi­nates its PhI­II tri­al for ar­rhyth­mia drug that was cen­tral to plans for an IPO

In­Car­da Ther­a­peu­tics has ter­mi­nat­ed its Phase III tri­al for an in­haled ver­sion of an ir­reg­u­lar heart­beat drug be­cause of “lim­it­ed ef­fi­ca­cy,” ac­cord­ing to a US clin­i­cal tri­als data­base, po­ten­tial­ly spelling an end to the Cal­i­for­nia biotech’s sole clin­i­cal-stage as­set.

While In­Car­da hasn’t com­ment­ed pub­licly on the end of the tri­al, an up­date on the pro­gram was post­ed June 9 on clin­i­cal­tri­ The study, known as RE­STORE-1, was stopped be­cause of “lim­it­ed ef­fi­ca­cy up­on blind­ed re­view,” ac­cord­ing to the site.

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