Hervé Hoppenot (Credit: Jeff Rumans)

In­cyte CEO Hervé Hop­penot sees block­buster po­ten­tial for Opzelu­ra, even as an­a­lysts shake their heads in doubt

De­spite In­cyte’s top­i­cal atopic der­mati­tis drug get­ting slapped with a black box warn­ing — and com­ing in be­low Wall Street’s ex­pec­ta­tions for its first quar­ter on the mar­ket — CEO Hervé Hop­penot called the launch “very suc­cess­ful,” peg­ging a $1.5 bil­lion peak sales es­ti­mate in the US.

How­ev­er, an­a­lysts can’t seem to agree on just how re­al­is­tic that is giv­en chal­lenges with re­im­burse­ment — and in­vestors seem to be erring on the side of cau­tion. In­cyte’s stock $IN­CY was down 2.6% on Wednes­day morn­ing, pric­ing in at $68.25 per share.

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