In­cyte says JAK cream clears PhI­II eczema tri­al in chil­dren, but an­a­lysts are still watch­ing safe­ty

On a long march to bring its top­i­cal JAK in­hibitor to the block­buster ranks, In­cyte is cel­e­brat­ing pos­i­tive re­sults from a Phase III tri­al in­volv­ing chil­dren.

The TRuE-AD3 study en­rolled pe­di­atric pa­tients be­tween the ages of 2 and 11 who have atopic der­mati­tis, and In­cyte re­port­ed that sig­nif­i­cant­ly more pa­tients treat­ed with Opzelu­ra — a cream for­mu­la­tion of rux­oli­tinib — achieved In­ves­ti­ga­tor’s Glob­al As­sess­ment Treat­ment Suc­cess com­pared to con­trol, which was a non-med­icat­ed cream.

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