In­done­si­a's state-owned phar­ma com­pa­ny strikes deal to man­u­fac­ture Mer­ck’s HPV vac­cine

Cer­vi­cal can­cer is the sec­ond most fre­quent form of can­cer among women in In­done­sia. In ad­di­tion to rais­ing aware­ness and en­cour­ag­ing women to get the HPV shot, the coun­try is now look­ing to man­u­fac­ture Mer­ck’s vac­cine.

The In­done­sian state-owned phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal com­pa­ny Bio Far­ma an­nounced on Tues­day it has signed a con­tract with Mer­ck to lo­cal­ly pro­duce the MSD 4-va­lent HPV vac­cine.

Ac­cord­ing to a trans­lat­ed news re­lease, Mer­ck and Bio Far­ma have had a re­la­tion­ship since 2016. While the HPV vac­cine is cur­rent­ly in use through­out the coun­try, the gov­ern­ment plans to scale up im­mu­niza­tions in 2023.

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