In­dus­try lead­ers need to speak out now more than ever

Biotech Voices is a collection of exclusive opinion editorials from some of the leading voices in biopharma on the biggest industry questions today. Think you have a voice that should be heard? Reach out to Amber Tong.

The House im­peach­ment man­agers pre­sent­ed a grip­ping, vis­cer­al case two weeks ago in pros­e­cut­ing the 45th pres­i­dent for in­cite­ment of mob vi­o­lence to stop the cer­ti­fi­ca­tion of a free and fair US elec­tion.

Yet nev­er has a case so damn­ing pre­saged an ac­quit­tal so fore­gone. Sev­en brave sen­a­tors crossed the aisle to do the right thing and vote for a re­pub­lic, if we can keep it.

Just be­cause the im­peach­ment tri­al is over does not mean the threat to our de­mo­c­ra­t­ic norms is. The Sen­ate ac­quit­tal comes with a long-term cost: the hy­per­vig­i­lance of the Amer­i­can peo­ple. It is up to all of us to de­ter­mine what the for­mer pres­i­dent’s con­duct means for our na­tion’s fu­ture.

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