Matt Gline (L) and Vivek Ramaswamy

In­sid­er ac­count of Roivan­t's SPAC deal — and that $7.3B val­u­a­tion — re­veals a few se­crets as Matt Gline po­si­tions the com­pa­ny as the new ‘Big Phar­ma’

It was Oct. 7, 2020, and Matt Gline wasn’t wast­ing any time.

The CEO of Roivant had word that KKR vet Jim Mom­tazee’s SPAC had priced late the night be­fore, trig­ger­ing a green light for any­one in­ter­est­ed in pur­su­ing a big check for fu­ture op­er­a­tions and rid­ing the fi­nan­cial in­stru­ment to Nas­daq. So he wrote a quick email con­grat­u­lat­ing Mom­tazee, whom he knew, for the launch.

Oh, and maybe Mom­tazee would like to sched­ule some­thing with Gline and his ex­ec­u­tive chair­man, Roivant founder Vivek Ra­maswamy, to chat about Roivant and its busi­ness?

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